Videos archive
How Do You Respond to Your Dreams? D’var Torah for Parshat Vayetzei
How Do You Respond to Your Dreams? The book of Bereshit (Genesis) could easily be given the subtitle “The Book of Dreams,” as there are many significant dreams within it. Read more... -
The Akeida was a major misunderstanding. D’var Torah for Parshat Vayera
The Akeida was a major misunderstanding. That is how Rashi explains this epic event, which is presented to us in Parshat Vayera. Rashi cites the Midrash in Bereshit Rabbah, Read more... -
When people curse those who bless them…D’var Torah for Parshat Lech Lecha
Sometimes people curse those who bless them. This is a message that emerges from the beginning of Parshat Lech Lecha. Hashem conveys to Avraham the significance of his future generations, Read more... -
Words produce light – D’var Torah for Parshat Noach
Words produce light. This powerful message emerges at the commencement of Parshat Noach. Hashem commanded Noach to construct an ark, instructing him, “tzohar ta’aseh latevah” —”make a window for the Read more... -
Marking October 7 during a season of anniversaries
This is a season of anniversaries. Rosh Hashanah is an anniversary — it marks the very first day on which human beings were brought into the world. Hashem started His Read more... -
When Rosh Hashanah Cannot Be. D’var Torah for Rosh Hashanah
When Rosh Hashanah Cannot Be. Rosh Hashanah can only begin on four specific days of the week. It will never start on a Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday. Our Rabbis have Read more... -
Our tradition demands hope. D’var Torah ahead of midnight Selichot
Our tradition demands hope. Our mood on Saturday night is influenced by the Shabbat that precedes it. This is certainly the case when it comes to the Saturday night Read more... -
We must be happy; we’ve got no choice. – D’var Torah for Parshat Ki Tavo
We must be happy; we’ve got no choice. That’s the message that emerges from Parshat Ki Tavo, where the Torah gives us the Tochecha, a long list of horrific Read more... -
Remembering and Never Forgetting? – D’var Torah for Parshat Ki Teitzei
In Parshat Ki Teitzei, the Torah gives us a crucial imperative: we must remember, and we must never forget. This instruction might seem redundant — after all, if you’re Read more... -
The Peace of Our Homes – D’var Torah for Parshat Shoftim.
Every time we walk into our homes, we’re reminded of the fact that the peace of our homes is built on compromise. Now why do I say this? In Parshat Read more...