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Fasting on a Friday? D’var Torah ahead of Asarah B’Tevet
We will enter the coming Shabbat on empty stomachs. It’s interesting to note that we generally don’t have fast days on Fridays. The reason for this is that we want Read more... -
Marking October 7 during a season of anniversaries
This is a season of anniversaries. Rosh Hashanah is an anniversary — it marks the very first day on which human beings were brought into the world. Hashem started His Read more... -
When Rosh Hashanah Cannot Be. D’var Torah for Rosh Hashanah
When Rosh Hashanah Cannot Be. Rosh Hashanah can only begin on four specific days of the week. It will never start on a Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday. Our Rabbis have Read more... -
Our tradition demands hope. D’var Torah ahead of midnight Selichot
Our tradition demands hope. Our mood on Saturday night is influenced by the Shabbat that precedes it. This is certainly the case when it comes to the Saturday night Read more... -
Shabbat HaGadol: Will this Shabbat be the greatest of them all?
Transcript: Will this Shabbat be the greatest of them all? It’s called ‘Shabbat HaGadol’ – ‘The great Sabath’ and it always takes place on the Shabbat prior to our celebration Read more... -
Succot: What’s the most important part of any major event?
Transcript: What’s the most important part of any major event? Programmers say it is the follow up. The value of the day is not what happens on that day, rather Read more... -
Yom Kippur: The difference between hope and ‘good’ hope
Transcript: What’s the difference between hope and ‘good’ hope? Surely all hope is good? In our prayers at this time of the year, we say to Hashem ‘Uvechein tein kavod Read more... -
Rosh Hashanah: Two steps to achievable teshuva
Transcript: Here’s a question for you. What is not over the heavens, not over the seas but in our mouths and our hearts to do? This is how Parshat Nitzavim Read more... -
Elul: We can have hope in the future!
Transcript Confidence and trepidation are an integral part of the rollercoaster of our lives. This is so well presented in Psalm 27, LeDavid Hashem Ori, which we recite at this Read more... -
Shabbat Nachamu: Three weeks of sadness require seven weeks of consolation!
Transcript Three weeks of sadness requires seven weeks of consolation. That’s the period of the calendar that we are in right now. Between the fast days of Shiva Asar b’Tammuz Read more...