Korach archive
‘One word says it all’. D’var Torah for Parshat Korach.
One word says it all. Every single word of our Torah is sacred, and they all impart such beautiful, enduring messages. But, so very often, the very beginning of a Read more... -
Korach: Humour can be dangerous!
Transcript Humour is wonderful, but humour can also be dangerous. The Talmud recognises the power of humour and therefore recommends that whenever one is giving a talk, a presentation or Read more... -
Korach: Who has the most important role in our Synagogue services?
Transcript Who has the most important role in our synagogue services? Right at the end of Parshat Korach, the Torah gives us details of ‘maaser’ – the tithe that was Read more... -
Korach: Something extraordinary happened in our living room!
Transcript: Something extraordinary happened in my living room. My wife Valerie has always wanted to grow Flame Lilies. This is because the Flame Lily is the national flower of Zimbabwe Read more... -
D’var Torah: Korach
How would you define a kosher argument? The Mishna helps us. In Pirkei Avot – the Ethics of the Fathers – we are introduced to the concept of a ‘machloket Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Korach
In conflict there are no absolute winners… What’s the most unfair accusation recorded in the Torah? I believe that the answer is in parashat Korach. On the day after the Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Korach
Who turned On off? At the beginning of Parashat Korach, On, the son of Peleth is presented to us as being one of the key agitators who supported Korach in Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Korach
In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi answers the question: What made Korach do something so crazy? What made Korach do something so crazy? Even the most egotistically Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Korach
In his D’var Torah for this week, the Chief Rabbi explains how a miracle involving almonds can be read as a symbolic guide for overcoming difference and achieving peace in Read more...