Shemot archive
Never Again: D’var Torah for Parshat Va’era
This coming week, we will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. In anticipation of that moment, the Torah, at the beginning of Parshat Va’era, gives an important Read more... -
The Personal Touch: D’var Torah for Parshat Shemot
It’s one of the best-known verses, but one of the least understood. I’m referring to a verse at the commencement of the book of Shemot, where the Torah tells us: Read more... -
Parshat Terumah: Did you know that there are seven words in our tradition for a gift?
Transcript: Did you know that there are seven words in our tradition for a gift? They are ‘Bracha’, which means blessing, ‘Matana’, present, ‘Shai’, which is a gift. ‘Nedava’, a Read more... -
Parshat Mishpatim: You may be far more religious thank you think.
Transcript: “I am not religious, but I try to be a very good person”. It is quite amazing how many people have given that sentiment to me about themselves. But Read more... -
Parshat Yitro: Is it possible to see sounds?
Transcript: Is it possible to see sounds? From Parshat Yitro we learn that the answer is, yes. Immediately after the Torah tells us about the extraordinary encounter that the nation Read more... -
Parshat Bo: Was Moshe coming or going?
Transcript: Was Moshe coming or going? In the beginning of Parshat Bo, Hashem gives him a command, ‘Bo el-par’oh’, which means ‘come to Pharaoh’. Hashem was actually instructing Moshe to Read more... -
Parshat Va’era: A miracle within a miracle.
Transcript: A miracle within a miracle. That is how Rashi describes the seventh of the ten plagues in Egypt. The plague of hail. And how was that the case? The Read more... -
Parshat Shemot: There is a phenomenon associated with the current tragic war, which we must preserve well beyond it.
Transcript: In Parshat Shemot we are told how Moshe emerged from the palace of Pharoah in search of his brethren. What he saw was a tragic scene. An Egyptian task Read more... -
Vayakhel-Pekudei: The man who couldn’t afford to close his factory on shabbat
Transcript: “If I close my factory on shabbat, I will lose 4000 rubles each time.” That was the reply given to the Chofetz Chaim by a Jewish factory owner in Read more... -
Ki Tisa: With how many hands was Moshe holding the tablets and why does it matter?
Transcript With how many hands was Moshe holding the tablets? In Parshat Ki Tisa, we are told how Moshe came down from the summit of Mount Sinai with the Ten Read more...