Fast Days archive
Fasting on a Friday? D’var Torah ahead of Asarah B’Tevet
We will enter the coming Shabbat on empty stomachs. It’s interesting to note that we generally don’t have fast days on Fridays. The reason for this is that we want Read more... -
Tisha b’Av: A good leader gives us hope
Transcript A good leader gives us hope. Parshat Devarim is always read on the shabbat prior to Tisha B’Av, and in this parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu, who is just about to Read more... -
D’var Torah: Tisha B’av
What is the greatest blessing ever given to the Jewish people? In Parshat Devarim, there is a Bracha by Moshe Rabenu which I believe would certainly qualify to be on Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Tisha B’Av
A message for those who attack us… Why are the enemies of the Jewish people compared to bees? On Shabbat when we read parashat Devarim it will be erev Tisha Read more... -
D’var Torah: Yom Kippur 5778
The Chief Rabbi’s D’var Torah for Yom Kippur 5778 Yom Kippur is an anniversary; it’s the day on which Moshe came down from Mount Sinai on the second occasion. You’ll Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Devarim
In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi discusses a most surprising halacha for Tisha B’Av! It is forbidden to study Torah. This is one of the surprising Halachot Read more...