Chayei Sarah archive
Chayei Sarah and the tragic war: The whole Jewish people is one family!
Transcript: The name of the main character is missing. That’s what we find in Parshat Chayei Sarah. Let’s say a school were putting on a play of this week’s Parsha Read more... -
Chayei Sarah: How can anyone have two lives on earth?
Transcript How can anyone have two lives on earth? Parshat Chayei Sara commences as follows (Bereishit 23:1): “Vayihyu chayei Sara,” – “And the life of Sarah was,” “Meah shana v’esrim Read more... -
Chayei Sarah: In this world, we’re all just passing through
Transcript: In this world, we’re all only passing through. The commencement of Parshat Chayei Sara provides the sad details of the burial arrangements for Sara carried out by Avraham. Presenting Read more... -
Chayei Sara: Is the title misleading? A tribute to Rabbi Lord Sacks z”l
The Chief Rabbi’s weekly insight for Parshat Chayei Sara. Transcript: Is the title of this week’s parsha misleading? Chayei Sara means the life of Sara, but when one has a Read more... -
Dvar Torah: Chayei Sarah
So what was Yitzchak doing? In Parashat Chayei Sarah we read how Avraham had sent his servant to Mesopotamia to find a wife for Yitzchak. Throughout the long absence Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Chayei Sarah
In this week’s D’var Torah for Chayei Sarah, the Chief Rabbi asks what character trait we can learn from the Kinneret. Rivka and Ephron were opposites. In Parashat Chayei Sarah Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Chayei Sarah
In this week’s D’var Torah the Chief Rabbi extrapolates three lessons for successful parenting from this week’s Parasha. Three important ingredients of successful parenting are highlighted in Parashat Chayei Sarah. Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Chayei Sarah
From Eliezer we learn, God helps those who live their entire life in order to help others. Our sages teach, Gadol Sichatam Shel Avdei Avot Betorotam Shel Banim – the Read more... -
D’var Torah: Chayei Sarah
The Chief Rabbi reflects on the kindness of Rivka in this week’s Parasha, Chayei Sarah, her offer of hospitality to strangers and their animals demonstrating both selflessness and spiritual sensitivity. Read more...