Vayishlach archive
What Will Our Monuments Look Like? D’var Torah for Parshat Vayishlach
What Will Our Monuments Look Like? We are familiar with the concept of a Matzevah, a stone slab which sadly covers a grave. But intriguingly and significantly in Parshat Vayishlach, Read more... -
Parshat Vayishlach: In war, there are no winners.
Transcript: In war, there are no winners. In Parshat Vayishlach, we read how Yaakov was just about to meet up with his twin brother Esav, who had threatened to kill Read more... -
Vayishlach: What is the best way to describe God?
Transcript: What is the best way to describe God? Reb Meir Shapira of Lublin contrasts the way in which Jacob described Hashem and the way in which Abraham described Him. Read more... -
Vayishlach: The legacy of those who perished in the Holocaust
Transcript I have always been saddened by the fact that Holocaust victims have no matzeiva. You can’t visit a cemetery and see a tombstone over a grave for them as Read more... -
Dvar Torah: Vayishlach
How to handle challenge What did Ya’acov do on the day that could have been the penultimate day of his life? The twin brothers, Ya’acov and Eisav had been separated Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Vayishlach
What is the secret to giving the ultimate gift? What is the best possible gift you can give to another person? In Parshat Vayishlach we are told how Yaakov desperately Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Vayishlach
In war, there are no winners. Parashat Vayishlach describes Yaakov’s feelings just before his fateful encounter with his twin brother Eisav – Vayirah Yaakov Meod Vayeizer Lo, Yaakov was Read more... -
D’var Torah: Vayishlach
The Chief Rabbi meditates on the 3 preparatory measures Yaackov took before reuniting with his murderous brother Esav, suggesting that European societies would do well to adopt them if they Read more...