Chukat archive
‘The best way to influence people’. D’var Torah for Parshat Chukat.
People will most likely be influenced by you, if they know that you love them. In Parshat Chukat, we’re told about the sad passing of Aharon, the High Priest, and Read more... -
Chukat: What the world’s cleverest person couldn’t understand
Transcript What was the one thing that the cleverest person on earth couldn’t understand? According to our tradition, King Solomon, who was cleverer than anyone else, could not work out Read more... -
Chukat: What’s the most irresponsible personal undertaking I have ever heard of?
Transcript: What’s the most irresponsible personal undertaking I have ever heard of? It is probably Yiftach’s vow. The haftarah for Parshat Chukat (Judges 11:1) tells us how Yiftach, the leader Read more... -
D’var Torah: Chukat
Some of the greatest blessings are wrapped up in a curse An example of this can be found in Parshat Chukat. The Torah tells us how Hashem had sent a Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Chukat
The key to finding our way through the maze of life… What’s the point of a precept if we don’t have a reason for it? This is a dilemma we Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Chukat
In this week’s D’var Torah for Chukat, the Chief Rabbi explains why the symbol of the medical profession is taken from our Parasha. The symbol of the BMA (The British Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Chukat
In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi asks the question: Why was Aharon punished for Moshe’s actions? It’s one of the best known stories of the Torah, but Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Chukat
Why was there greater grief for the passing of Aaron than there was for the passing of Moses? The Chief Rabbi explains. In this week’s Parasha of Chukat, we read Read more...