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Office of the Chief Rabbi

The Chief Rabbi’s readings for your Seder table 5784

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For most of us, our mixed emotions as we enter into Pesach, will make this year unlike any other in living memory. There are a variety of creative ways in which families around the world will be using their Sedarim to express their solidarity with the people of Israel and, in particular, the hostages and their families.

Here are a series of readings you may wish to choose from for your Seder table, offering an opportunity to highlight some important themes for Israel and the Jewish people in these
challenging times.

Valerie and I wish you Chag Kasher Vesameach.

Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis KBE

To print the Chief Rabbi’s readings for your Seder table 5784 please click here. 

To read The Chief Rabbi’s Pesach Message 5784 please click here.