Archive: May 2020
The Chief Rabbi’s principles for exiting lockdown
The Chief Rabbi has written as follows to each of the communities that fall under his aegis, setting out the following key principles that will underpin their exit from lockdown: Read more... -
D’var Torah – Shavuot
Why is it important to enjoy the meal at a wedding? The Gemara in Berachot 6b tells us, “כׇּל הַנֶּהֱנֶה מִסְּעוּדַת חָתָן…זוֹכֶה לַתּוֹרָה” – “whoever enjoys the meal at a Read more... -
“A Life of Vertical & Horizontal Responsibility: Shavuot During the Coronavirus Pandemic”
On Sunday, the Chief Rabbi & Rabbi Sacks explored the powerful dual responsibility conferred upon us at Sinai. “A Life of Vertical & Horizontal Responsibility: Shavuot During the Coronavirus Pandemic” Read more... -
The Chief Rabbi’s Shavuot Message 5780
It was the most stunning, awe-inspiring event that the world has ever known. Some three and a half millennia ago, we gathered as a fledgling nation at the foot of Read more... -
D’var Torah: Bamidbar
Will people be proud to be connected to you? This Shabbat, we commence the reading of the book of Bamidbar. Right at the beginning of the book the Torah Read more... -
New Organ Donation System in England
As of 20th May 2020, English Law on organ donation changed from what is often referred to as an ‘Opt-in’ system to an “Opt-out’ system or ‘Deemed Consent’. In other Read more... -
Coronavirus: Our greatest strength is now our weakness
Writing in the Jewish Chronicle, the Chief Rabbi reflected on why British Jewry must not rush to reopen its synagogues as the pandemic subsides. I could never have imagined that Read more... -
D’var Torah: Behar Bechukotai
Transcript: Do you know a four lettered Hebrew word comprised of the same four letters? The answer is וווו spelling the word ‘U’vavo’ meaning, ‘and his hook’. I doubt there Read more... -
Protected: CCE Virtual Events
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post. Read more... -
D’var Torah: Emor
When can the performance of a great mitzva bring our people into disrepute? The Torah, in Parshat Emor, gives us the mitzvah: ‘vlo techalelu et sheim kodshei – you Read more...