Archive: December 2015
D’var Torah: Parashat Vayechi
In his D’var Torah for Vayechi the Chief Rabbi reflects on the blessings we give our children, and how these brachot can be traced back to the decision of an Read more... -
Thought for the Day: Chanukah and the resonance of flames today
Water, fire and bringing light into the world: Giving the Thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4, the Chief Rabbi contemplates the ambivalence of the elements; though they are Read more... -
Speech: Downing Street Chanukah lighting
Last night the Chief Rabbi attended a communal Chanukah lighting at the invitation of the Prime Minister. Prior to lighting the candles and leading brachot, Chief Rabbi Mirvis reminded those Read more... -
D’Var Torah: Parashat Vayigash
In this week’s Torah portion of Vayigash, the Chief Rabbi teaches both how Joseph brought Godliness to Egypt, and why his father Yaackov, on hearing of Joseph’s good fortune, reacted Read more... -
D’Var Torah: Parashat Miketz
Reflecting on the lessons of Parashat Miketz this week, the Chief Rabbi identifies two attributes of great leadership that Pharoah seemingly conveys to Joseph, and speaks about military action in Read more...