Vayeira archive
The Akeida was a major misunderstanding. D’var Torah for Parshat Vayera
The Akeida was a major misunderstanding. That is how Rashi explains this epic event, which is presented to us in Parshat Vayera. Rashi cites the Midrash in Bereshit Rabbah, Read more... -
Parshat Vayeira: It’s what you do that counts
Transcript: It’s what you do that counts. At the beginning of Parshat Vayeira, Hashem appears to Avraham immediately after he had had his brit milah and Avraham subsequently saw some Read more... -
Vayeira: What will we become the parent of?
Transcript: It is possible for your parent not to be related to you. And this applies to everyone. In Parshat Vayeira (Bereishit 18:19), Hashem pays the ultimate compliment to Avraham Read more... -
Vayeira: True kindness has empathy at its heart
Transcript: Being kind is not good enough. One of the greatest examples of altruism within the whole of Tanach is presented to us at the beginning of Parshat Vayeira. Avraham, Read more... -
The greatest leaders, just like great parents and teachers are all defined by one thing…
The Chief Rabbi’s D’var Torah for Vayeira Transcript Parents only teach their children one lesson. What is it? Parshat Vayeira commences, “Vayeira elav Hashem,” – “Hashem appeared to Avraham,” immediately Read more... -
Dvar Torah: Vayeira
What’s the difference between sand and the stars? Immediately after the Akeida, Hashem gave Avraham a wonderful blessing: ‘Veharbah arbeh et zaracha k’chochvei hashamyim v’chachol asher al sfat hayam’ I Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Vayeira
In this week’s D’var Torah for Vayeira, the Chief Rabbi asks how it can be that the first prayer recorded in Torah was one that failed. The second letter of Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Vayeira
In this week’s D’var Torah the Chief Rabbi explains how the difference of a single letter teaches us a powerful lesson on Jewish education. How do we explain the incongruous Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Vayeira
Can we celebrate miracles no matter the circumstances? I once wrote an article about the miraculous escape of a Chassidishe Rebbe during the Holocaust. After that, I was contacted by Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Vayera
The Chief Rabbi examines why Abraham is compared to a citrus fruit that never falls off the tree, in this week’s D’var Torah for Parashat Vayera. Read more...