Vayikra archive
Through what merit is the Jewish people saved? D’var Torah for Parshat Bechukotai.
Transcript: Through what merit is the Jewish people saved? One answer is presented in Parshat Bechukotai. Within the context of the tochacha, a long tragic list of curses which God Read more... -
“You experience miracles every single day”. D’var Torah for Parshat Behar.
Transcript: Did you know that you experience miracles every single day? We acknowledge that three times a day in our Amidah prayer, when we say thank you to Hashem ‘Ve’al Read more... -
From where do we know that ten men constitute a minyan? D’var Torah for Parshat Emor
Transcript: From where do we know that ten men constitute a minyan – a quorum for prayer? The source is in Parshat Emor. The Torah tells us ‘Venikdashti betoch bnei Read more... -
‘It doesn’t make sense.’ D’var Torah for Parshat Kedoshim
Transcript: It doesn’t make sense. That’s how many people relate to the Torah’s regulations concerning mixtures. Now, we are familiar with mixtures of meat and milk, and we know that Read more... -
‘After death we say holy things’. D’var Torah for Parshat Acharei
Transcript: After death we say holy things. That is a translation of the titles, of the three portions of the law, which we commence reading this Shabbat. ‘Acharei Mot Kedoshim Read more... -
Parshat Tazria: The happiest month?
Transcript: We have just commenced what is probably the happiest month on the Jewish calendar. It’s the month of Nisan and as many of us know, throughout this month Read more... -
Parshat Shemini: What are the two middle words of the Torah?
Transcript: What is a ‘scribe’ in Hebrew? It’s ‘sofer’, but isn’t that astonishing? Sofer literally means somebody who counts, so the scribe who writes a Torah scroll, is a person Read more... -
Parshat Tzav: Here’s a riddle for you.
Transcript: Here is a riddle for you: Where do we find a Gematria in which the numerical equivalent of the title of a Parsha, equals the number of verses within Read more... -
Bechukotai: A challenge for Shavuot this year
Transcript There is a most intriguing commentary of Rashi at the commencement of Parshat Bechukotai. The parsha starts, “Im bechukotai teleichu…” – “If you walk in my statutes…” and what Read more... -
What do the Coronation and Parshat Emor have in common?
Transcript: What is the connection between the Coronation and Parshat Emor which we’ll be reading this shabbat? In Parshat Emor we’re given the mitzvah of kiddush Hashem (Vayikra 22:32): “Venikdashti Read more...