Bosworth Reunion is a Virtual Success
Solihull Hebrew Congregation packed in a huge amount of activities and speakers for their first Virtual Reunion. The community gathered online with five other communities to reunite after their Bosworth Shabbaton last year. There was a virtual Challah bake to get everyone in the mood, and hungry, for Shabbat as well as a huge variety of speakers and workshops. No Shabbaton, virtual or otherwise, would be complete without singing so they invited Chazzan Zali Rodal to lead a beautiful Kabbalat Shabbat service. To top it all off each participant received a pre-Shabbat gift bag packed with all the Shabbat necessities as well as a special booklet to enhance the experience. By combining the physical gift bags and the virtual activities the communities were able to reunite and connect in a way that can inspire us all.
Evaluation from Rabbi Yehuda Pink:
‘It enabled people confined to their homes to enjoy top quality speakers and renew friendships with acquaintances from other small provincial communities and make new friends. It exposed them to high calibre speakers and conveyed the message that one can be actively observant Jewishly and still successful in life. It shone a ray of light on the darkness of isolation.’
Participant feedback:
- ‘It was a wonderful weekend. This was my first ‘Bosworth’, I would wholeheartedly recommend it to my friends.’
- ‘It was enlightening and an amazingly organised reunion.’