Archive: February 2021
Thought for the Day: Purim 2021
Dare Mighty Things Yesterday it was reported that NASA had hidden a secret message on the Perseverance parachute. Few of the enthralled millions watching the epic landing on Mars will Read more... -
A Message for Purim 2021
How to celebrate safely this Purim – a special message from the Chief Rabbi Transcript: Purim and Chanukah are twin festivals on which we celebrate Jewish survival. Both are chagim Read more... -
Purim: The gentle power of a loving family
The Chief Rabbi’s D’var Torah for Purim 2021 Transcript: The Megillah is a tale of two families. It is clear from the Biblical text that Haman didn’t act in a Read more... -
Terumah: If you turn away from the needs of another person, you’re turning away from the will of Hashem
The Chief Rabbi’s D’var Torah for Parshat Terumah. Transcript: If you turn away from the needs of another person, you’re turning away from the will of God. This is an Read more... -
Mishpatim: Coming back to Shul – for what reason?
The Chief Rabbi’s D’var Torah for Parshat Mishpatim. Transcript: Should we come to see or to be seen? In Parshat Mishpatim the Torah presents us with the mitzvah of the Read more... -
Yitro: What is the antidote to jealousy?
The Chief Rabbi’s D’var Torah for Parshat Yitro Transcript What is the antidote to jealousy? In Parshat Yitro the Torah tells us how Moshe’s father in law Yitro arrived at Read more...