Videos archive
Rosh Hashanah: Two steps to achievable teshuva
Transcript: Here’s a question for you. What is not over the heavens, not over the seas but in our mouths and our hearts to do? This is how Parshat Nitzavim Read more... -
Ki Tavo: How do some people justify antisemitism?
Transcript How do some people justify antisemitism? In Parshat Ki Tavo, we are told how in ancient times farmers would come to the Temple. They would bring their bikkurim, their Read more... -
Elul: We can have hope in the future!
Transcript Confidence and trepidation are an integral part of the rollercoaster of our lives. This is so well presented in Psalm 27, LeDavid Hashem Ori, which we recite at this Read more... -
Shoftim: The most popular D’var Torah this Shabbat
Transcript Which verse of the Torah will most Divrei Torah on this shabbat be delivered about? My guess is this: “Tzedek, tzedek tirdof,” – “Justice, justice you shall pursue,” which Read more... -
Re’eh: Three ways to assess character
Transcript What are the three ways in which one can assess a person’s character? The Gemara in Masechet Eruvin 65b tells us the answer is, “Kisoh, kosoh and ka’asoh.” ‘Kisoh’ Read more... -
Eikev: Why did the rebbe ask for a cigar?
Transcript Why did the rebbe ask for a cigar? In Parshat Eikev, we are told how Hashem is continuously concerned about the land of Israel (Devarim 11:12): “mereishit hashanah ad Read more... -
Tisha b’Av: A good leader gives us hope
Transcript A good leader gives us hope. Parshat Devarim is always read on the shabbat prior to Tisha B’Av, and in this parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu, who is just about to Read more... -
Matot Massei: What difference does it make where we live?
Transcript The maths doesn’t add up. In Parshat Maasei we’re told how six cities of refuge were established for our people: three which were to be west of the River Read more... -
Pinchas: What would it be like without you?
Transcript A rabbi once returned to his shul after a vacation. One of his congregants said to him, “Rabbi, you should have been here to see what it’s like without Read more... -
Balak: Every one of us can make time sacred!
Transcript Where do we find the festivals of Pesach, Shavuot and Succot in Parshat Balak? The parsha tells us that after Bilam had cruelly struck his donkey three times, Hashem Read more...