Videos archive
Beshalach: If not for them, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
Transcript: We need to show more respect to parents and grandparents. In Parshat Beshalach, the Torah presents us with the details of the redemption of the Israelites who had been Read more... -
Bo: It’s not just the thought that counts!
Transcript: What is the relevance of tefillin in our times? In Parshat Bo, the Torah states (Shemot 13:16), “Vehaya le’ot al yadecha uletotafot bein einecha.” – “And they shall be Read more... -
Va’era: How you can be as great as Moshe
Transcript: Who was greater: Moshe or Aharon? In Parshat Va’era the Torah provides us with the genealogy of the tribe of Levi. We arrive in this list at the household Read more... -
Shemot: Why is this book different from all other books?
Transcript: Why is this book different from all other books? This shabbat we’ll be commencing the reading of the book of Shemot, which some people call the book of Exodus. Read more... -
Vayechi: Our most precious communal organisations!
Transcript: Of all communal organisations, which are the most sacred? In Parshat Vayechi, we read how Yaakov was preparing for his death. He told Yosef his son, “Ve’asita imadi chessed Read more... -
Vayigash: 22 years in 2 words
Transcript: It took just two words to explain everything that had transpired in 22 years. In Parshat Vayigash we read about the epic moment when Yosef revealed his true identity Read more... -
Mikeitz: The most arrogant person in history
Transcript Who has been the most arrogant person who has ever lived? A candidate for this dubious title would certainly be Pharaoh, King of Egypt. Parshat Mikeitz commences with the Read more... -
Vayeishev: To be ‘shomer mitzvot’ does not mean to keep mitzvot!
Transcript To be ‘shomer mitzvot’ does not mean to keep mitzvot! That is the surprising view of the Or HaChaim Hakadosh. If that’s the case, what does being ‘shomer mitzvot’ Read more... -
Vayishlach: What is the best way to describe God?
Transcript: What is the best way to describe God? Reb Meir Shapira of Lublin contrasts the way in which Jacob described Hashem and the way in which Abraham described Him. Read more... -
Vayeitsei: You can only win the lottery if you buy a ticket
Transcript: Success in life doesn’t just fall into our laps. We learn this important lesson from an intriguing passage in Parshat Vayeitsei. Yaakov came to his father in law Lavan Read more...