Videos archive
Dvar Torah: Ha’azinu
What’s the longest word in the Torah? There is only one ten letter word in the Torah, uvmisharotecha meaning ‘and in your kneading troughs. It’s a description in the book Read more... -
Dvar Torah: Yom Kippur
What is more important? Our lives or the performance of mitzvot? The answer, according to our sages, comes in the Torah reading from the afternoon of Yom Hakippurim. It comes Read more... -
Dvar Torah: Parshat Nitzavim & Rosh Hashana
You are what you do. This powerful message emerges for us from the beginning of Parshat Nitzavim which is always read close to Rosh Hashana. Hashem declares ‘Atem Nitzavim hayom Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Ki Tavo
Invite everyone to the simcha… Here are two ways to create happiness! Parashat Ki Tavo commences with the mitzvah of ‘bikkurim’ the bringing of the first fruits in Temple times. Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Ki Teitzei
Coincidences are much more than just coincidences… What is the significance of coincidences? In parashat Ki Teitzei we are given a fascinating mitzvah, which I doubt you have ever – Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Shoftim
Where is there a mitzvah to wash your hands of something? It appears at the end of parashat Shoftim, and it’s a disturbing scenario: A corpse is out in the Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Re’eh
A just society depends on each one of our actions… Do you know another name for Sefer Devarim – the Book of Deuteronomy? It is derived from a word in Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Eikev
Like the greatest music… Musicians are luckier than Rabbis That was a point of view presented to me in a conversation I recently had with an international recording artist who Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Va’etchanan
Loving Hashem isn’t meant to be simple… Is it fair to insist that a person should love someone or something? I guess your instinctive reply will be absolutely not. But Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Tisha B’Av
A message for those who attack us… Why are the enemies of the Jewish people compared to bees? On Shabbat when we read parashat Devarim it will be erev Tisha Read more...