Articles archive
Yom Ha’atzmaut 75: A call for Jewish unity
Transcript: As we celebrate 75 glorious years of the state of Israel, let us draw some inspiration from Psalm 75. The Psalm commences, “Lamenatseach, al tashcheit.” It’s dedicated to the Read more... -
Pesach: Why do we say, “Next year in Jerusalem”?
Transcript: Why during Pesach do we exclaim, “Leshanah haba’ah b’Yerushalaim,” – “Next year in Jerusalem”? Rabbi Nosson Finkel, the Sabbah of Slobodka, used to explain that the primary purpose of Read more... -
Unity in Israel
The Chief Rabbi has issued the following statement calling for unity in Israel: I never thought that we would witness a time when citizens of Israel, including respected leaders, are Read more... -
Pesach: Bitter herbs teach us what’s really important
Transcript: Do we have the right blessing? At our seder tables, we will be taking maror and we will dip it in charoset. However, the blessing that we will be Read more... -
Ki Tisa: With how many hands was Moshe holding the tablets and why does it matter?
Transcript With how many hands was Moshe holding the tablets? In Parshat Ki Tisa, we are told how Moshe came down from the summit of Mount Sinai with the Ten Read more... -
Thought for the Day: Purim 2023
“The innate human instinct to reveal what is hidden runs deep.” Last week, readers of the Jewish Chronicle were surprised by a news report that King Charles is Read more... -
Terumah: The most extraordinary custom I’ve ever heard of!
Transcript: It’s the most extraordinary custom I’ve ever heard of. I’m referring to a comment by Rabbeinu Bachaye, the great 13th Century commentator, who mentions a practice of the Chassidim Read more... -
Mishpatim: The best way to give financial help
Transcript What is the best way in which we can give financial help to another? The Shulchan Aruch in Chosen Mishpat tells us that when one gives a loan to Read more... -
Yitro: Creation & Exodus – two paradigms for connecting with Hashem
Transcript Two very different reasons are given for keeping shabbat. In Parshat Yitro, in the Ten Commandments, the fourth commandment is to keep shabbat. And a reason is given (Shemot Read more... -
Beshalach: If not for them, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
Transcript: We need to show more respect to parents and grandparents. In Parshat Beshalach, the Torah presents us with the details of the redemption of the Israelites who had been Read more...