Articles archive
Thought for the Day: Yom Kippur 2020
May all of your offshoots be just like you! On Sunday afternoon, the eve of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, I will be officiating at an unprecedented national Read more... -
Thought for the Day: Rosh Hashana 2020
Re-evaluation – a New Year paradigm shift ‘Resilience’. That’s the word I hear most often to describe a stoic response to the Coronavirus. But, there’s a problem with resilience. The Read more... -
The Chief Rabbi in conversation with Jonny Benjamin MBE
”There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Thoughts of not wanting to be here anymore are really common.” It’s more important than ever to talk about mental health The Read more... -
The Chief Rabbi’s Shavuot Message 5780
It was the most stunning, awe-inspiring event that the world has ever known. Some three and a half millennia ago, we gathered as a fledgling nation at the foot of Read more... -
Coronavirus: Our greatest strength is now our weakness
Writing in the Jewish Chronicle, the Chief Rabbi reflected on why British Jewry must not rush to reopen its synagogues as the pandemic subsides. I could never have imagined that Read more... -
What is a Rebbetzen? And why were a group of 40 of us in Spain?
A Rebbetzen is a bit of an exotic animal; part supportive wife, part helpmate, full time party planner, chauffeur, psychologist, social worker, domestic engineer, chef, cheerleader, community liaison, religious guide Read more... -
Chief Rabbi: A new Holocaust memorial will pay tribute to our proud role in rescuing 10,000 children.
The following article was published by The Sunday Telegraph on 2 December 2018. Eighty years ago today, 200 children watched from the deck of a boat as the coastline of Read more... -
Chief Rabbi: Why Prince William’s Israel visit meant so much to British Jews
The following article was published by The Telegraph on 29 June 2018 following HRH The Duke of Cambridge’s trip to Israel. Yehuda Avner, the Israeli diplomat, once related how, in Read more... -
The Chief Rabbi’s Pesach Message 5778
We have a fascinating family custom: at the Pesach Seder our family sings the words of the passage known as ‘Chasal Siddur Pesach’ to the tune of Chanukah’s Maoz Tzur. Read more... -
Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis: We must all fight slavery
In 1992, the Nation of Islam published one of the most insidious works of antisemitism of the modern era. Entitled, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, it Read more...