Articles archive
Nasso: A sin against a person is a sin against God
Transcript: A sin against a person is a sin against God. In Parshat Nasso the Torah tells us (Bamidbar 5:6) “Ish o isha ki ya’asu mikol chatot haadam limol mal Read more... -
Thought for the Day: Shavuot 2022
“We can channel resilience and fortitude to create a more optimistic future.” Earlier this week, in the BBC documentary ‘Elizabeth: The Unseen Queen’, Her Majesty the Queen said, Read more... -
The Chief Rabbi’s D’var Torah for Shavuot and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Transcript There is a strong connection between the festival of Shavuot and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. On the festival, for our Torah reading, we will read from Parshat Yitro about Read more... -
Bechukotai: We must appreciate our community Rabbis and Rebbetzens
Transcript We must appreciate our community Rabbis and Rebbetzens. This important message is presented to us close to the conclusion of the book of Vayikra in a passage in Parshat Read more... -
Behar: In business, we’re all princes
Transcript Every single person we do business with is the child of an exceptionally important person. This is a comment of the great medieval commentator Sforno on Parshat Behar which Read more... -
Emor – Shabbat UK: A journey beyond Shabbat UK
Transcript: Over these seven weeks we are building our characters. This is thanks to the Torah law in Parshat Emor which tells us, “Sheva shabbatot temimot tihyena.” We count the Read more... -
Kedoshim: What is the hallmark of a Torah scholar?
Transcript What is the hallmark of a Torah scholar? Parshat Kedoshim presents us with the well known verse, “Veahavta lereacha kemocha,” – “Love your fellow as yourself.” Rabbi Akiva famously Read more... -
Acharei Mot: The Torah’s travel insurance
Transcript Have you ever been asked to take ‘shliach mitzvah’ money? If you have, you’ll be familiar with the idea. The Talmud teaches, “Shluchei mitzvah einan nizokin.” – “People who Read more... -
Thought for the Day: Pesach 2022
“Freedom is not the right to do as we please, but the opportunity to do what is right.” At the Grammy awards this week, President Zelensky of Ukraine Read more... -
Pesach: Are you thirsty without knowing it?
Transcript When are we thirsty without even knowing it? At our seder tables, we declare, “Kol dichfin yeitei v’yeichol. Kol ditzrich yeitei veyifsach.” – “Let all who are hungry come Read more...