Articles archive
Thought for the Day: Yom Kippur 2021
“People of faith who turn heavenwards in reverence for God must also be able to look each other in the eye with compassion and care.” I was inspired this week Read more... -
Yom Kippur: How can we rejoice when our fate is in the balance?
Transcript: How can we rejoice at the very moment when our fate is in the balance? This is exactly what happens on Yom Kippur. At the very time when, on Read more... -
Rosh Hashana: What Creation can teach us about New Year’s Resolutions
Transcript: As we approach Rosh Hashana, let us remember how Hashem created the world. In Parshat Nitzavim the Torah tells us (Devarim 30:14), “Ki karov eleicha hadavar me’od beficha uvilvavecha Read more... -
Rosh Hashana Message 5782
בס”ד In 1968, social psychologists Bibb Latané and John Darley conducted a remarkable study, known as the Smoky Room Experiment. Subjects were placed alone in a room and asked to Read more... -
Ki Tavo: How we perform good deeds makes all the difference
Transcript In Parshat Ki Tavo, we are told how a farmer would bring his bikkurim, his first fruits, to the temple. There he would make a declaration (Devarim 26:10): “V’atah Read more... -
Ki Teitsei: The real reason we love to give food
Transcript: We must always remember the Ammonites and the Moabites. Why? Who were they? What’s this all about? In Parshat Ki Teitsei, the Torah tells us how when the Israelites Read more... -
Shoftim: We are separate but always together
Transcript The Jewish people and the Torah are one. We learn this from a verse in the parsha of Shoftim. The Torah says (Devarim 18:13), “Tamim tihyeh im Hashem Elokeicha.” Read more... -
Re’eh: What we have always had is new every day!
Transcript: The Torah has been given to us today. That is how we should approach the Torah and its mitzvot on every day of our lives. The inspiration for this Read more... -
Eikev: A healthy fear of Hashem
Transcript God demands that we should all fear Him. But is it possible then, for us to have a healthy relationship with Him? In Parshat Eikev, Moshe brings the word Read more... -
Va’etchanan: Climate Change and Moshe Rabbeinu
Transcript: Moshe seems to have done something which was totally unnecessary. In Parshat Va’etchanan we are told (Devarim 4:41), “Az yavdil moshe shalosh arim.” Just before he was to pass Read more...