Articles archive
Thought for the Day: Shavuot 2021
“The most profound challenges can only be overcome when we act selflessly together.” Would we call the summit of a mountain ‘the climb’ or the World Cup Final the qualifying Read more... -
Shavuot: Which festival has the most surprising name?
Transcript Which festival has the most surprising name? For me, the answer is definitely Shavuot. Why do I say that? In Parshat Re’eh (Devarim 16:16), the Torah gives us the Read more... -
Acharei Mot Kedoshim: Holiness is probably not what you think
Transcript What is holiness? When we hear the term holy, we conjure up all types of images in our mind but actually the concept of kedusha, holiness, is quite Read more... -
Tazria-Metzora: A Torah view on cancel culture
Transcript When is it important to call a spade a spade? In Parshat Noach (Bereishit 7:2) the Torah gives us details of the animals brought onto Noah’s Ark: “Min habehema Read more... -
A moment in history
Covid-19 has created a fundamental rupture in the fabric of our communal life, disrupting our established infrastructure and institutions. In my inaugural address as Chief Rabbi in 2013, I made Read more... -
Shemini: The surprising value of self-doubt
Transcript: If you think that you’re not good enough, perhaps that’s the very reason why you’re the best person for the job. We learn this from Parshat Shemini. Hashem had Read more... -
Thought for the Day: Pesach 2021
Growth through adversity: The Paradox of Pesach A second consecutive Passover in lockdown will commence tomorrow evening. Passover is a festival which usually brings several generations of even the Read more... -
Pesach: THIS is the guarantee for our survival!
Transcript How can we guarantee our Jewish survival? We will give an answer to this question at the seder table. We will raise our cups and declare: “Vehi she’amda la’avoteinu Read more... -
Job Vacancy – External Affairs Officer
The Office of the Chief Rabbi (OCR) is looking to recruit a talented and engaging External Affairs Officer to join this fast paced, high profile public office. This permanent role Read more... -
The Chief Rabbi’s Pesach Message 5781
“You will see, you will see, how good it will be next year. Why, at every Seder, do we enthusiastically sing, “leshana haba’ah biyrushalayim” – next year in Jerusalem? Although Read more...