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Why is the Book of Esther included in Tanach?
Transcript Why is the book of Esther included in Tanach? You might be wondering: how could it be possible for Esther not to be in Tanach? It’s one of our Read more... -
Terumah: The most extraordinary custom I’ve ever heard of!
Transcript: It’s the most extraordinary custom I’ve ever heard of. I’m referring to a comment by Rabbeinu Bachaye, the great 13th Century commentator, who mentions a practice of the Chassidim Read more... -
Mishpatim: The best way to give financial help
Transcript What is the best way in which we can give financial help to another? The Shulchan Aruch in Chosen Mishpat tells us that when one gives a loan to Read more... -
Yitro: Creation & Exodus – two paradigms for connecting with Hashem
Transcript Two very different reasons are given for keeping shabbat. In Parshat Yitro, in the Ten Commandments, the fourth commandment is to keep shabbat. And a reason is given (Shemot Read more... -
Beshalach: If not for them, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
Transcript: We need to show more respect to parents and grandparents. In Parshat Beshalach, the Torah presents us with the details of the redemption of the Israelites who had been Read more... -
Thought for the Day: Holocaust Memorial Day 2023
“Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it”. (Psalms 34) A finger pointing to the left meant slave labour. To the right – immediate death. Read more... -
Bo: It’s not just the thought that counts!
Transcript: What is the relevance of tefillin in our times? In Parshat Bo, the Torah states (Shemot 13:16), “Vehaya le’ot al yadecha uletotafot bein einecha.” – “And they shall be Read more... -
Va’era: How you can be as great as Moshe
Transcript: Who was greater: Moshe or Aharon? In Parshat Va’era the Torah provides us with the genealogy of the tribe of Levi. We arrive in this list at the household Read more... -
Shemot: Why is this book different from all other books?
Transcript: Why is this book different from all other books? This shabbat we’ll be commencing the reading of the book of Shemot, which some people call the book of Exodus. Read more... -
Vayechi: Our most precious communal organisations!
Transcript: Of all communal organisations, which are the most sacred? In Parshat Vayechi, we read how Yaakov was preparing for his death. He told Yosef his son, “Ve’asita imadi chessed Read more...