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The Chief Rabbi at the World Jewish Relief Dinner 2017
Last week, the Chief Rabbi was delighted to attend the World Jewish Relief Dinner 2017. In his address, the Chief Rabbi said: “President Trump has signed an Executive Order which Read more... -
The Chief Rabbi at Holocaust Memorial Day 2017
On Holocaust Memorial Day, the Chief Rabbi joined 200 survivors and more than 1,000 guests at the UK Commemorative Ceremony for Holocaust Memorial Day Trust 2017. In his address, the Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Bo
Spoiler alert: Let us not become the ‘dog which barks’ In Parashat Bo, after many years of persecution and slavery, Bnei Yisrael were ready to leave Egypt. And then Hashem Read more... -
Thought for the Day: Falsehood is what drives division and fuels hatred
On Holocaust Memorial Day 2017, the Chief Rabbi spoke of the need to challenge falsehood wherever we find it. “I have always thought it fascinating that Jewish tradition goes beyond Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Va’eira
Importance is just a figment of our imagination. In Parashat Va’eira, on the eve of the redemption of our people, we have a long list of genealogical information presented to Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Shemot
We all have the potential to be great. In Parashat Shemot, we have one of the most significant birth announcements ever: Vayeilech Ish Mibeit Levi Vayikach Et Bat Levi Vatahar Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Vayechi
‘While all deaths are sad, not all are tragic’ One of our rules in our leining, our Torah reading, is that we don’t conclude an Aliyah on a sad Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Vayigash
Integration, not assimilation. In Parshat Vayigash we read how Yosef had just revealed his true identity to his brothers. They were stunned into silence. And then, he said to them Read more... -
OP-ED: A part we can all play in creating a better world
Writing in the Jewish News on the 29th December 2016, the Chief Rabbi sets out his thoughts on how Judaism engages with the modern world. In 1960, as campaigning began Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Mikeitz
‘Thank God for forgetfulness’ The ‘Shesh Zechirot’ are the 6 commandments of the Torah, which call upon us to recall key biblical events of the past. Zechirah, ‘remembrance’, is Read more...