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Thought for the Day: the Rugby World Cup and Shabbat UK
What do the Rugby World Cup and Shabbat UK have in common? The Chief Rabbi considers the history of the sporting ‘Try’ and its worth in his Thought for the Read more... -
Credo: ‘Switch off your smartphone and soak up the Sabbath’
Considering a world in which technology has both vastly improved and diminished human interaction, the Chief Rabbi outlines in The Times‘ ‘Credo’ column how Shabbat provides a day of Read more... -
JC podcast: Chief Rabbi discusses Shabbat UK
Listen to the Chief Rabbi talk about Shabbat and Shabbat UK in a special edition of the Jewish Chronicle podcast made in advance of the eponymous weekend. Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Noach
“Peace requires communication” – Reflecting on this week’s Torah portion, Noach, the Chief Rabbi concentrates on the double-meaning of the Hebrew word for ‘dove’ and the meaning we can derive Read more... -
D’var Torah: Parashat Bereishit
“Location, Location, Location” – In his D’var Torah for this week’s Torah portion, Bereishit, the Chief Rabbi focuses on the cherubs that God stations outside Eden to prevent anyone returning Read more... -
Yamim Noraim Lecture: Let’s take a fresh approach to prayer
The Chief Rabbi delivered his Yamim Noraim lecture at Hendon United Synagogue with a focus on how we can enhance the effectiveness of prayer, whether through a refreshed approach to Read more... -
Thought for the Day: The difference between ‘true’ and ‘perceived’ greatness
Hear the Chief Rabbi’s reflections on what constitutes ‘true greatness’ ahead of Sukkot in BBC Radio 4’s ‘Thought for the Day’ slot. Transcription below. “Benjamin Disraeli once said, “Fame and Read more... -
Thought for the Day: Setting new goals to solve global challenges
Hear the Chief Rabbi on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Thought for the Day’ reflecting upon the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals – successors to the Millennium Development Goals – and second chances Read more... -
Thought for the Day: To forget, or not to forget?
“Our prospects for the future depend, to a large degree, on our recollection of the past.” On today’s ‘Thought for the Day’, the Chief Rabbi acknowledges both the relief offered Read more... -
BBC Report: The Chief Rabbi visits the Vatican
Listen to this BBC Radio 4 report from Edward Stourton’s Sunday programme about the Chief Rabbi’s visit to the Vatican with Cardinal Nichols. (Listen from 27:00). Read more...