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Vayishlach: The legacy of those who perished in the Holocaust
Transcript I have always been saddened by the fact that Holocaust victims have no matzeiva. You can’t visit a cemetery and see a tombstone over a grave for them as Read more... -
Vayeitzei: After Covid, will we go back to sleep?
Transcript How do we respond to extraordinary experiences? If I were to give a subtitle to Sefer Bereishit, the Book of Genesis, it would be the Book of Dreams. Not Read more... -
Toldot: The key to our survival in a missing letter!
Transcript: A missing letter provides a clue to the survival of the Jewish people. In Parshat Toldot, we read how Jacob deceived his father Isaac into thinking that he was Read more... -
Chayei Sarah: In this world, we’re all just passing through
Transcript: In this world, we’re all only passing through. The commencement of Parshat Chayei Sara provides the sad details of the burial arrangements for Sara carried out by Avraham. Presenting Read more... -
Vayeira: True kindness has empathy at its heart
Transcript: Being kind is not good enough. One of the greatest examples of altruism within the whole of Tanach is presented to us at the beginning of Parshat Vayeira. Avraham, Read more... -
Lech Lecha: Jewish History in a Nutshell
Transcript Jewish history in a nutshell. This is what is presented to us at the commencement of Parshat Lech Lecha (Bereishit 12:3), when Hashem gives seven blessings to Avraham, the Read more... -
Noach: How responsible was Noah for the flood?
Transcript: Is it possible that Noah bore some responsibility for the flood? Such a seemingly preposterous suggestion arises out of the haftarah for Parshat Noach, Isaiah 54. There is a Read more... -
Shemini Atzeret: The conclusion we’ve been waiting for
Transcript: During the coronavirus pandemic, some of us have been missing conclusions. Due to restrictions for example, some graduation ceremonies have not taken place. School years have ended without an Read more... -
Changes to English Law on Organ Donation: FAQs
FAQs What has changed? As of May 2020, the English legislation with respect to organ and tissue donation changed from what is often referred to as an ‘Opt-in’ system to Read more... -
Succot: Fast asleep with your eyes wide open!
Transcript: It is possible to be fast asleep with your eyes wide open. This is how the Chatam Sofer explains a fascinating passage in the Gemara, Masechet Succah 13. There Read more...