Education archive
Thought for the Day: Simchat Torah 2023
“…a chance to feel contentment about how far we’ve come.” Good morning. As the dark of another night lifts, it may surprise you to hear that a country renowned for Read more... -
The Chief Rabbi’s prayer for Israel
Our Father in Heaven, Rock and Redeemer of Israel. We come before You in prayer and supplication, stunned and heartbroken by the merciless atrocities carried out against our beloved State Read more... -
Thought for the Day: Yom Kippur 2023
“…finding the right balance between walking ahead and walking behind.” In 1998, 50% of the British population said it was especially important for children to be obedient. Today, only 11% Read more... -
Succot: What’s the most important part of any major event?
Transcript: What’s the most important part of any major event? Programmers say it is the follow up. The value of the day is not what happens on that day, rather Read more... -
Yom Kippur: The difference between hope and ‘good’ hope
Transcript: What’s the difference between hope and ‘good’ hope? Surely all hope is good? In our prayers at this time of the year, we say to Hashem ‘Uvechein tein kavod Read more... -
The Chief Rabbi’s Rosh Hashanah Message 5784
The term ‘Yamim Noraim’ (Days of Awe) contains within it the key to transformative living. Unetaneh Tokef, at the heart of our High Holyday Musaph prayers, commences: “Let us now Read more... -
Rosh Hashanah: Two steps to achievable teshuva
Transcript: Here’s a question for you. What is not over the heavens, not over the seas but in our mouths and our hearts to do? This is how Parshat Nitzavim Read more... -
Ki Tavo: How do some people justify antisemitism?
Transcript How do some people justify antisemitism? In Parshat Ki Tavo, we are told how in ancient times farmers would come to the Temple. They would bring their bikkurim, their Read more... -
Elul: We can have hope in the future!
Transcript Confidence and trepidation are an integral part of the rollercoaster of our lives. This is so well presented in Psalm 27, LeDavid Hashem Ori, which we recite at this Read more... -
Shoftim: The most popular D’var Torah this Shabbat
Transcript Which verse of the Torah will most Divrei Torah on this shabbat be delivered about? My guess is this: “Tzedek, tzedek tirdof,” – “Justice, justice you shall pursue,” which Read more...