Education archive
Eikev: How not to confuse your children
Transcript: Do we sometimes unfairly confuse our children? It is possible, for example, that at school, a child is given direction and inspiration but that child comes home to find Read more... -
Va’etchanan: My answer to this question might surprise you!
Transcript: My answer to this question might surprise you. Who is the greatest role model of all time? In Parshat Va’etchanan Moshe declares to the people “V’atem had’veikim baHashem elokeichem Read more... -
Thought for the Day: Tisha B’Av 2022
“The absence of something makes us appreciate it more.” “Good Morning.” That’s the way all Thoughts For The Day commence. A polite greeting of these same two words, which Read more... -
Devarim: What is the one word that advertisers always try to use?
Transcript What is the one word advertisers always try to use? At the beginning of Sefer Devarim 1:1, we find: “Eileh hadevarim,” – “These are the words that Moshe delivered Read more... -
Pinchas: How to lead your flock
Transcript The most important lesson every leader should hear. This is what I believe Moshe taught us just before he passed away. In Parshat Pinchas, Hashem gives Moshe the sad Read more... -
Balak: A Torah view on our choice of company
Transcript Is it possible that Hashem was chopping and changing His mind? That’s what appears to be the case at the beginning of Parshat Balak! Balak the King of Moav Read more... -
Korach: Who has the most important role in our Synagogue services?
Transcript Who has the most important role in our synagogue services? Right at the end of Parshat Korach, the Torah gives us details of ‘maaser’ – the tithe that was Read more... -
Shelach: The Torah’s antidote to an inferiority complex
Transcript: What is the Torah’s antidote to an inferiority complex? In Parshat Shelach Lecha, we are told how the meraglim, the spies, returned from the Promised Land. Ten out of Read more... -
A post-pandemic lesson from Parshat Beha’alotecha
Transcript: Aharon was great because he never changed. In Parshat Behaalotecha the Torah tells us about the great privilege that Aharon the High Priest had to kindle the menorah. Following Read more... -
Nasso: A sin against a person is a sin against God
Transcript: A sin against a person is a sin against God. In Parshat Nasso the Torah tells us (Bamidbar 5:6) “Ish o isha ki ya’asu mikol chatot haadam limol mal Read more...