Education archive
Parshat Yitro: Is it possible to see sounds?
Transcript: Is it possible to see sounds? From Parshat Yitro we learn that the answer is, yes. Immediately after the Torah tells us about the extraordinary encounter that the nation Read more... -
Parshat Bo: Was Moshe coming or going?
Transcript: Was Moshe coming or going? In the beginning of Parshat Bo, Hashem gives him a command, ‘Bo el-par’oh’, which means ‘come to Pharaoh’. Hashem was actually instructing Moshe to Read more... -
Parshat Va’era: A miracle within a miracle.
Transcript: A miracle within a miracle. That is how Rashi describes the seventh of the ten plagues in Egypt. The plague of hail. And how was that the case? The Read more... -
Parshat Shemot: There is a phenomenon associated with the current tragic war, which we must preserve well beyond it.
Transcript: In Parshat Shemot we are told how Moshe emerged from the palace of Pharoah in search of his brethren. What he saw was a tragic scene. An Egyptian task Read more... -
Parshat Mikeitz: There are still some Pharaohs in our world today.
Transcript: There are still some Pharaohs in our world today. We learn this from the commencement of Parshat Mikeitz. Pharaoh had dreams. The Torah tells us, ‘uPharoh choleim’ – ‘Pharaoh Read more... -
“You have able partners in faith leaders” – The Chief Rabbi’s COP28 message.
The Chief Rabbi’s message to COP28. Faith communities are ready, willing and able to be partners to world leaders to combat climate change and to protect our planet. Read more... -
Thought for the Day: The scourge of Sexual Violence: Chanukah 2023
“…there is no excuse for it, wherever and against whomever it is perpetrated”. Just one candle can bring light to the darkest of rooms. This is the inspiration Read more... -
Parshat Vayishlach: In war, there are no winners.
Transcript: In war, there are no winners. In Parshat Vayishlach, we read how Yaakov was just about to meet up with his twin brother Esav, who had threatened to kill Read more... -
Parshat Vayeitzei: We should be positive and never despair.
Transcript: We should be positive and never despair. That’s the message emerging from Parshat Vayeitzei. Yaakov has his famous dream of the ladder, and, in the midst of this prophecy, Read more... -
Chayei Sarah and the tragic war: The whole Jewish people is one family!
Transcript: The name of the main character is missing. That’s what we find in Parshat Chayei Sarah. Let’s say a school were putting on a play of this week’s Parsha Read more...