Education archive
Bo: The slave to the compass has freedom of the seas
Transcript: Were we liberated from one form of servitude, only to enter another? In Parshat Bo, the Torah describes how Hashem commanded Moshe to appear before Pharaoh, King of Egypt. Read more... -
Va’era: Never tolerate the intolerable!
Transcript: We should never tolerate an intolerable situation. In Parshat Va’era (Shemot 6:6) Hashem promises the suffering Israelites in Egypt, “Vehotseiti etchem mitachet sivlot Mitzrayim,” – “I will deliver you Read more... -
Vayechi: What’s your greatest blessing?
Transcript: What’s the greatest blessing one can have? Parshat Vayechi is the parsha of blessings. At the conclusion of Sefer Bereishit, Jacob gives blessings to his sons in Egypt. Before Read more... -
Vayigash: Are you like old wine in a new bottle?
Transcript What’s the connection between old wine and Jewish continuity? In Parshat Vayigash we read how Joseph revealed his true identity to his brothers in Egypt, (Bereishit 45:4) and then Read more... -
Thought for the Day: Chanukah 2021
When we cannot control the events that affect us, we nonetheless can control our response to them. “There is no joy as great as the resolution of doubt.” This Read more... -
Vayeishev: Our greatest inspiration can be found within ourselves!
Transcript Sometimes, our greatest inspiration comes from within ourselves. In Parshat Vayeishev, the Torah describes how Yaakov favoured his son Yosef and a reason is given for this in Bereishit Read more... -
Vayishlach: The legacy of those who perished in the Holocaust
Transcript I have always been saddened by the fact that Holocaust victims have no matzeiva. You can’t visit a cemetery and see a tombstone over a grave for them as Read more... -
Vayeitzei: After Covid, will we go back to sleep?
Transcript How do we respond to extraordinary experiences? If I were to give a subtitle to Sefer Bereishit, the Book of Genesis, it would be the Book of Dreams. Not Read more... -
Toldot: The key to our survival in a missing letter!
Transcript: A missing letter provides a clue to the survival of the Jewish people. In Parshat Toldot, we read how Jacob deceived his father Isaac into thinking that he was Read more... -
Chayei Sarah: In this world, we’re all just passing through
Transcript: In this world, we’re all only passing through. The commencement of Parshat Chayei Sara provides the sad details of the burial arrangements for Sara carried out by Avraham. Presenting Read more...