Divrei Torah Archive
Shelach Lecha: How not to use the Torah
Transcript It is possible for a person to be an expert in Torah law without practising any of it. For example, this could be an academic who has studied the Read more... -
Beha’alotecha: “I was filled with dread and I panicked.” Why?
Transcript: I was filled with dread and I panicked. What had happened? I had given an address to a large audience and then I stepped down from the stage without Read more... -
Nasso: Why is peace like a suitcase?
Transcript: Peace is a suitcase. Now why do I say that? In Parshat Nasso we’re given the Birkat Kohanim – the ‘duchaning’ – the blessing that the Kohanim bring from Read more... -
Shavuot: Oil, water, wine and milk are like Torah – how?
Transcript In our tradition, Torah is compared to four different types of liquids. Let us focus on this in anticipation of the festival of Shavuot through which we will dedicate Read more... -
Bechukotai: A challenge for Shavuot this year
Transcript There is a most intriguing commentary of Rashi at the commencement of Parshat Bechukotai. The parsha starts, “Im bechukotai teleichu…” – “If you walk in my statutes…” and what Read more... -
What do the Coronation and Parshat Emor have in common?
Transcript: What is the connection between the Coronation and Parshat Emor which we’ll be reading this shabbat? In Parshat Emor we’re given the mitzvah of kiddush Hashem (Vayikra 22:32): “Venikdashti Read more... -
Acharei Mot: Sometimes exceptions are unacceptable
Transcript: Sometimes, exceptions are unacceptable. In Parshat Acharei Mot Kedoshim (Vayikra 18:5), we are given this mitzvah: “Ushmartem et chukotai v’et mishpatai.” – “You must safeguard my laws and ordinances,” Read more... -
Pesach: Why do we say, “Next year in Jerusalem”?
Transcript: Why during Pesach do we exclaim, “Leshanah haba’ah b’Yerushalaim,” – “Next year in Jerusalem”? Rabbi Nosson Finkel, the Sabbah of Slobodka, used to explain that the primary purpose of Read more... -
Pesach: Bitter herbs teach us what’s really important
Transcript: Do we have the right blessing? At our seder tables, we will be taking maror and we will dip it in charoset. However, the blessing that we will be Read more... -
Vayikra: Why do some people start in the middle?
Transcript Why do some people start in the middle? This coming shabbat we will be commencing our reading of Sefer Vayikra, the Book of Leviticus, the middle book of the Read more...