Divrei Torah Archive
Balak: From where can the Jewish people derive comfort and consolation?
Transcript We’re just about to commence the three weeks, which will take us from the 17th of Tammuz through to Tisha b’Av. It’s a sad time of the year when Read more... -
Chukat: What’s the most irresponsible personal undertaking I have ever heard of?
Transcript: What’s the most irresponsible personal undertaking I have ever heard of? It is probably Yiftach’s vow. The haftarah for Parshat Chukat (Judges 11:1) tells us how Yiftach, the leader Read more... -
Korach: Something extraordinary happened in our living room!
Transcript: Something extraordinary happened in my living room. My wife Valerie has always wanted to grow Flame Lilies. This is because the Flame Lily is the national flower of Zimbabwe Read more... -
Shelach Lecha: Sometimes, blind people see more
Transcript Blind people can sometimes see more than everyone else. At the beginning of Parshat Shelach Lecha (Bamidbar 13:18) an instruction is given to the spies who were about to Read more... -
Beha’alotecha: Exacerbating Jewish suffering?
Transcript What can make Jewish suffering even worse for us? In Parshat Beha’alotecha, the Torah tells us about a tragic episode relating to ‘vehasafsuf asher bekirbo’ – the mixed multitude Read more... -
Nasso: Sixty armed warriors surrounded King Solomon’s bed every night!
Transcript: King Solomon had sixty armed warriors surrounding his bed every night to protect him. How do we know this? In the Song of Songs 3:7, we are told, “Hinei Read more... -
Shavuot: Which festival has the most surprising name?
Transcript Which festival has the most surprising name? For me, the answer is definitely Shavuot. Why do I say that? In Parshat Re’eh (Devarim 16:16), the Torah gives us the Read more... -
Behar-Bechukotai: The power of ‘if…’
Transcript: There is hidden power in the word ‘if’. Parshat Bechukotai commences, “Im bechukotai teileichu,” – “If you walk in my statutes and keep the laws of the Torah,” then Read more... -
Emor: Count each day to make each day count!
Transcript: Where do we have a mitzvah to count? In Parshat Emor (Vayikra 23:15) the Torah tells us, “Usfartem lachem,” – “Count for yourselves,” meaning that from the second day Read more... -
Acharei Mot Kedoshim: Holiness is probably not what you think
Transcript What is holiness? When we hear the term holy, we conjure up all types of images in our mind but actually the concept of kedusha, holiness, is quite Read more...