Divrei Torah Archive
D’var Torah: Acharei Mot-Kedoshim
You can live forever. This is the conclusion of Targum Unkalus, the Aramaic translation of the Torah. In its comment on an important verse in this week’s Parshah of Achrei Read more... -
D’var Torah: Tazria Metzora
Where in the Torah do you find an example of purposeful isolation? Where in the Torah do you find an example of purposeful isolation? It is in Parshat Tazriah which Read more... -
D’var Torah: Vayikra
Why do we add salt to our bread at the commencement of our meals? In Parshat Vayikra the Torah tells us ‘al kol korbancha takriv melach’ – ‘you must offer Read more... -
D’var Torah: Vayakhel Pikudei
Should chefs share recipes? You know, it’s very interesting. There are many chefs and cooks who are delighted to give you a recipe that impresses you. But – if Read more... -
D’var Torah: Ki Tisa
What does Hashem’s back look like? This must sound like an extraordinary question but in Parshat Ki Tisa we find Moshe having an encounter with the Almighty. Moshe asks to Read more... -
D’var Torah: Tetzaveh & Purim
Why is the name of Hashem spelt Yud Yud in our siddurim? The Sefer Nachalat Chamisha suggests that the origin is in Parashat Tetzaveh. There we find Hashem telling us Read more... -
D’var Torah: Terumah
Our kindness is directly linked to the sanctity of Hashem! What is the connection between our generosity and the name of Hashem? Parshat Terumah commences with the mitzvah of ‘V’yikchu Read more... -
D’var Torah: Mishpatim
The Torah on honesty in financial matters. A social worker in Jerusalem told me about a teenage boy who was caught stealing milk at a store. He was hauled before Read more... -
D’var Torah: Yitro
Don’t just complain! Don’t just complain about everything that’s wrong. We learn this in Parshat Yitro. Rashi tells us that one of Yitro’s seven names was ‘Yeter’, which means additional. Read more... -
D’var Torah: Beshalach
What is the recipe for a miracle? Parashat Beshalach tells us about the parting of the waters of the Red Sea – surely one of the greatest miracles that has Read more...