Archive: December 2024
First, Establish the Facts…D’var Torah for Parshat Miketz
How did King Pharaoh of Egypt know Yosef was giving him the correct interpretations of his dreams? At the beginning of Parshat Miketz, the Torah tells us all the details Read more... -
How can we bring peace between rivals? D’var Torah for Parshat Vayeshev
How can we bring peace between rivals? This was a dilemma faced by our patriarch Jacob. In Parshat Vayeshev, we are told that he sent Joseph on a mission to Read more... -
What Will Our Monuments Look Like? D’var Torah for Parshat Vayishlach
What Will Our Monuments Look Like? We are familiar with the concept of a Matzevah, a stone slab which sadly covers a grave. But intriguingly and significantly in Parshat Vayishlach, Read more... -
How Do You Respond to Your Dreams? D’var Torah for Parshat Vayetzei
How Do You Respond to Your Dreams? The book of Bereshit (Genesis) could easily be given the subtitle “The Book of Dreams,” as there are many significant dreams within it. Read more...