Neshama Sessions
The Neshama event on 22nd September aims to prepare women for the Yamim Noraim (Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur). Please take a look at the range of sessions taking place – we hope you’ll find something you’re interested in!
To buy a ticket, please click here.
To read the speakers’ biographies, please click here.
SLOT 1 (7.25-8.25pm)
Four Readings, Three Women, Two Days, One Message: Inspirational Women of Rosh Hashana – Rebbetzen Dr Adina Shmidman
Meet Chana, Rachel and Sarah – three women whose words resonate deeply in our Rosh Hashana liturgy – and how we can be inspired by their actions and words.
This is a text-based session. No previous learning experience is necessary.
From purifying the temple to purifying our souls: Evolutions in Teshuva – Yael Leibowitz
This session will look at how our Yom Kippur experience developed out of the seemingly distant rituals of the Bet Hamikdash, and in doing so, discover added depth and meaning to the day.
This is a text-based session. Previous learning experience is recommended.
Focus your mind, stretch your body and awaken your soul! – Assistant Rebbetzen and yoga teacher Talya Rose
Through a series of poses and focused breath-work, yoga helps a person to channel their physical and mental energy to become a more relaxed and centred person. This yoga class will have a soulful twist and give you both physical and spiritual inspiration for the Yamim Noraim.
For this session, please wear clothes suitable for doing yoga.
Jewels in the Crown: Highlights and insights for your meaningful Rosh Hashana Service – Rebbetzen and Ma’ayan Jacqueline Feldman
Rosh Hashana is Hashem’s annual coronation day. The highlight of this majestic time is our prayer service. This session will look at some key points in the Rosh Hashana davening and discuss nuggets, ideas and stories that will transform your Rosh Hashana into a more passionate and meaningful experience.
This session will look at prayers from the Rosh Hashana machzor. No previous knowledge required
Ascent through song – Rebbetzen Dr Hadassah Fromson
Join Hadassah in getting spiritually ready for the new year by learning the tunes and meanings of some of the most poignant and powerful sections of the yamim noraim prayers.
This is an experiential session which involves singing, philosophy and discussion.
SLOT 2 (8.40-9.40pm)
Finding our purpose before Rosh Hashana – Yael Leibowitz
This presentation will delve into the creation episodes in Bereishit, and in doing so, enable us to connect more consciously with our purpose on this earth.
This is a text-based session. No previous learning experience is necessary.
Teshuva – Apology Psychology – Rebbetzen Dr Adina Shmidman
An extraordinary in-depth exploration of the tools of change according to Tanach and contemporary psychological theory with a practical guide to repentance.
This is a text-based session. Previous learning experience is recommended.
Yom Kippur: a journey in prayer – Rebbetzen Lauren Levin
In this transformative presentation we will explore the carefully woven together tapestry of Yom Kippur prayers, their history, key themes and meaning for our lives today.
This session will look at prayers from the Yom Kippur machzor. No previous knowledge required.
Reflection, Observation and Meditation through Art – Chava Erlanger
In this session we are going to explore, through the medium of art, the subject of teshuva. Reflection is about looking inside, “hitbonnenut”, how we can look into our inner truth. Observation is about listening to ourselves and how we act. Meditation is about teshuva and focusing on our inner self in order to understand the truth. Come and join us for an in-depth journey using collage, paint and other mediums of art to find your own inner truth.
This is a hands-on creative art session. No previous knowledge of art or Judaism required.
Un–expecting – Carolyn Cohen, Romy Shulman and Debra Sobel
Following the publication of Chana’s recent book, ‘Un- expecting’, Debra Sobel, Carolyn Cohen and Romy Shulman explore and discuss diverse responses to faith, often tested after unexpected life challenges.
This session will see a panel sharing and discussing experiences.