When people curse those who bless them…D’var Torah for Parshat Lech Lecha
Sometimes people curse those who bless them.
This is a message that emerges from the beginning of Parshat Lech Lecha. Hashem conveys to Avraham the significance of his future generations, saying, “Va’avarechah mevarecheicha” – I will bless those who bless you, “umekallelcha a’or” – I will curse those who curse you, and “venivrechu vecha kol mishpechot ha’adamah” – and all families on earth will be blessed through you.
This prompts a crucial question: if every family on earth is blessed through the existence of the Jewish people, why do some still choose to curse us?
In Sefer Mayana Shel Torah, it is noted that sometimes people are in denial regarding those who bring them blessings. Or, sometimes they recognise it, but out of the hatred that’s burning in their hearts, they only seek our downfall, even though they benefit from us daily.
That is what Hashem is saying to Avraham.
The Jewish people will be a blessing for all civilization, but that won’t stop anti-Jewish sentiment from existing.This phenomenon is not limited to the Jewish people; it also applies to the State of Israel. Israel has given the world remarkable innovations, from advancements in technology to improvements in healthcare.
Israel is a blessing to all of humankind. Yet, even with these contributions, many do not recognise them and some still harbour an anti-Israel bias.
Hashem’s message to Avraham is clear: regardless of how our actions are perceived, we must continue to shed the proper light in this world.
Sunshine produces light but can also create shade. In the midst of darkness, the sun continues to shine.
This is Hashem’s enduring message to the Jewish people: regardless of the way that people view you, nonetheless, always be true to the mission that I give you to shed light within our fragile world.
Shabbat Shalom.