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Rami Sherman Shares His Story in Magen Avot

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Operation Thunderbolt and the events in Entebbe are famous for their bravery and daring. As Opperations Officer for the rescue mission Rami Sherman has the deepest understanding of what truly happened that day and what it meant for Israel then, and now. His recent talk in Magen Avot was full, as the community gathered to hear his unique story, where he managed to find light in a challenging event. His message was one that could not be ignored, that we are all responsible for each other and we are strongest when we come together as a community.

Evaluation from Event Organiser Shifra Shaerf:

“The programme was excellent. The speaker was greatly inspiring and had the entire audience captivated for the duration of his presentation. The event, being outside of shul hours, contributed to a sense of cohesion and community amongst those who attended, and also provided an opportunity for those who are unable to attend shul regularly to socialise. Rami’s message of mutual responsibility and togetherness of the Jewish people was inspirational and contributed towards a greater sense of belonging to our community”.

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