Radlett Residential Shabbaton

A full Shabbat experience was laid on for Radlett members at the Oxford Belfry Hotel, drawing glowing feedback from those involved. Participants were inspired to think more deeply about certain aspects of Judaism by various shiurim delivered across the weekend, while uplifting communal services and meals solidified a sense of unity. New friendships were made, old ones were strengthened and the general enthusiasm for keeping Shabbat was palpable.
Evaluation from Rabbi Hughes:
“The programme was unbelievably successful. It gave our participants inspiration and education in a fun and accessible way. Participants came away inspired, thrilled and enthused. Some people kept Shabbos for the first time in their lives and experienced an authentic, relevant and motivating orthodox retreat. A highly effective tool of engagement, which, if done well, can change stagnating Jewish lives for the better!”
Participant Feedback:
- “This Shabbaton has excited us to try to observe Shabbat at home too. We will definitely be taking a more active role in our Judaism and in shul communal life.”
- “It was fantastic – spiritually, culturally and socially uplifting and informative. A real boost to the community and its spirit.”
- “There was a really good range of talks and activities – something for everyone. Rebbetzen Hughes was particularly effective in delivering her message and the weekend as a whole gave me a better understanding of elements of observance.”