‘Dreams of a Nation’ concert wows Bushey community

A highly creative celebration of Israel’s 70th year came to Bushey United Synagogue in the form of Mizrachi UK’s touring concert, Dreams of a Nation. The story of Israel’s foundation was told in a unique combination of song, audio-visual presentation and commentary by Rabbi Andrew Shaw, Chief Executive of Mizrachi and Chazan Jonny Turgel, who brought a rousing musical aspect to the event. Attendees felt that the concert enhanced their connection with Israel in a novel way and built on other Israel-related programmes and experiences offered by the shul.
Evaluation from Sarah Zackheim, Organiser:
‘The evening was phenomenal and a true highlight of the calendar. There was a fabulous atmosphere and a real sense that lots of new people were seeing what Bushey was all about. It showed how vibrant our community is and how dedicated to education and Zionism we are. It was a great concept executed brilliantly and people really engaged with it. It was also a great finale to our ‘Visionaries of Modern Zionism’ course.’
Participant Feedback:
- ‘What a wonderful evening. Rabbi Shaw’s commentary was exceptional. The video was superb with amazing footage and beautiful filming. A night I will never forget. When can I see it again!!
- ‘This was one of the best events I have ever attended at Bushey Shul in over 35 years of membership. The production was phenomenal and was hugely uplifting. Rabbi Shaw and Johnny Turgel made a phenomenal team.’
- ‘This was an excellent evening. The history was beautifully narrated and sung by Jonny Turgel.’
- ‘What a fantastic, inspirational and uplifting evening!’