Chigwell: Scholar in Residence, Rabbi Solomon

Over Shavuot, Chigwell & Hainault welcomed Rabbi Johnny Solomon as their scholar-in-residence, benefiting from his thought-provoking Torah insights at numerous points throughout the weekend, which included two enlightening sermons. His talks variously targeted different groups in the community, making each subject more personal to them, and he was commended for his refreshed and modern outlook. Participants left feeling inspired.
To inspire, uplift and inform the various different groups comprising the Chigwell & Hainault community over Shavuot
Evaluation from Rabbi Davis
‘Rabbi Solomon spoke many times across the chag, covering a wide spectrum of subjects, in varying degrees of depth, depending on the size and make-up of audiences. This way he reached a huge number of our members which was deeper when it was lighter. People left the Yom Tovim inspired, uplifted and – we hope, somewhat better educated!’
Participant Feedback:
- It was great, a really thought-provoking series of talks from a brilliant scholar
- In sum, they were excellent, thought-inspiring and spiritually-uplifting
- I found the guest speaker to be a refreshing voice showing an awareness of the modern world and whilst strictly orthodox, not bound up by dogma or outdated views
- The weekend was very inspiring and it has enhanced my wish to keep learning