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Birmingham Central: Ladies trip to Jewish London

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Ladies day trip to Jewish London.


To encourage women’s participation in all aspects of Shul life and provide the opportunity for them to become a more cohesive and valued group.

 Evaluation from event organiser, Deborah Clements

“Our trip to the Jewish Museum and JW3 was a resounding success. Charles Landau was of course the star of the day and his lecture was riveting. We all agreed it was the best part of a wonderful day. Thank you for supporting this event; the success has been totally down to the fact that you encouraged us to aim high and go for quality. We are so grateful to you and the Chief Rabbi’s office.”

 Participant Feedback

  • Spending a day with friends in a learning environment was something I rarely get to do and I benefited from this enormously.
  • It has made me proud to be a part of the Jewish people and grateful for how good England has been to us.
  • The speaker we had at JW3, Charles Landau, was amazing. We learned so much about the First World War.