ShabbatUK @Yeshurun Manchester

Yeshurun had planned for a bigger ShabbatUK than ever, but it was even more popular than they expected, with the hired marquee having to be twice extended to accommodate all the punters. Young people made up almost a quarter of the 460 people who enjoyed a ruach-filled Friday Night dinner, while 200 people rocked up on Shabbat afternoon for novel, educational activity ‘The Trial’, plus desserts to round off the lunches that members had enjoyed in different local homes. The warmth displayed between generations and the palpable community spirit was reportedly unparalleled.
To reach out to those members who do not normally participate in communal activities or fully celebrate Shabbat
To accommodate larger numbers by erecting a marquee in the shul grounds
To attract many local Israeli families and other young families living nearby who are not yet Yeshurun members, as well as those existing members who will always support events
To put on a Shabbat programme that will incorporate social, religious and education elements, as well as a lot of fun
Evaluation from Rabbi Atlas:
“Our aim to make this a large Shabbat event with a true Shabbat ruach went beyond our expectations. Many non-members and young families in the area attended and were warmly welcomed. This event is being talked about across Manchester. Our members have been amazed at the size of the event and the wonderful organisation that made it such a success. Our members are proud to be part of Yeshurun. It has been seen as Yeshurun’s finest event to date.”
Participant Feedback:
- There was a very warm sense of community. It was great to see rare shul attendees being made welcome
- An absolutely brilliant evening. I am full of admiration for everybody involved in the organisation
- Friday Night Dinner was out of this world. Amazing organisation for so many people with wonderful food and delightful entertainment. An absolute credit to all involved
- The whole weekend has given me a very positive feeling about the future of our community